Deirdre Bolger Counselling in Harrow

Frequently Asked Questions

How to take the first step to help?
You can email or call me for a brief conversation. Then if you wish, we can arrange a convenient time to meet.

Can the therapy be done over the telephone or skype?
I do face to face counselling at my practice only.

Is it Confidential?
Everything discussed between us remains confidential. The only time confidentiality is broken is if I thought there was a danger of you committing harm to yourself or to another person.
I am an accredited member of The National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society and abide by their code of ethics.

How long is a session?
A session lasts for 60 minutes.

How much does each session cost?
The current fee is £40 per session.

What if I cannot attend a session?
A cancellation period of 24 hours is needed to reschedule an appointment. Missed or cancelled appointments (within 24 hours notice) whatever the reason, are charged for.

How many sessions am I likely to need?
This is dependent on your needs. Initially sessions are usually on a weekly basis, and then can become less frequent as the therapy progresses.


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